Wireless smoke detectors provide flexible Options for owners - WNEP-TV

Posted : Monday, 4 April 2011

The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after 00:01:00. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout. Opération Save a Life de WNEP a distribué des milliers de détecteurs de fumée aux collectivités de la région. La technologie derrière les détecteurs de fumée a évolué à un nouveau niveau.

Le service d'incendie de Bloomsburg a répondu à plus de 300 appels de feu l'année dernière et pompiers dit des détecteurs de fumée sont un must.« Les détecteurs de fumée sont une partie essentielle de la sécurité à la maison. Nous aide à. Il obtient de l'édifice, de personnes de cette façon il facilite nos emplois. Nous pouvons nous concentrer sur la lutte contre l'incendie versus ayant faire une recherche et de sauvetage, donc ce aider. La prévention précoce, le dépistage précoce, c'est de sauver des vies, "dudit Bloomsburg deuxième assistant feu chef Scott McBride.

À Home Depot près de Bloomsburg, il y avait beaucoup de choix dans les détecteurs de fumée, de piles à câblé et maintenant sans fil qui utilisent des fréquences radio. Si une alarme se déclenche, ils sont tous se déclenchent.Les détecteurs de fumée sans fil tels que celles faites par Kidde existent depuis quelques années, mais peu de gens savent vraiment à leur sujet.

« C'est vraiment la première fois. J'ai entendu un peu à leur sujet, mais il est jamais été m'a expliqué cette façon. Je pense que c'est une bonne idée, », a déclaré le client T.J. Willoughby de Danville.Selon Kidde, nationwide quelqu'un meurt dans une maison en feu toutes les trois heures. Si un incendie commence dans votre maison, vous avez seulement environ trois minutes à s'échapper, mais avec des détecteurs de fumée sans fil qui partent simultanément dans tous les domaines de votre maison, plusieurs avis signifie plus de temps pour s'en sortir.

« Disons un incendie commence dans le sous-sol et l'alarme du sous-sol se déclenche, et vous êtes dormir au deuxième ou au troisième étage. Les chances de vous entendre, vous avez la porte fermée, le ventilateur en cours d'exécution, sont assez minces. Mais si l'alarme du sous-sol se déclenche et elle déclenche le reste des alarmes, vous savez que vous avez un incendie quelque part dans la maison, un problème, sortir, » dit Walt Davis, un employé à Home Depot.

Des détecteurs de fumée sans fil fonctionnent comme les alarmes câblé dans les maisons plus récents et peuvent être utilisés en outre. Pour les vieilles maisons, les alarmes sans fil peuvent être facilement installés. Certaines personnes hésitent loin d'avoir à les mettre dans leur foyer en raison de déchirer les murs, enfiler le câblage ou mettre des conduites à l'extérieur de leurs murs, donc cela aiderait probablement, » a ajouté McBride.

Il ne faut pas un pro. C'est faciles, couple vis. Si vous pouvez travailler un tournevis, vous pouvez mettre une d'entre elles,   ajouté Davis.Kidde dit les alarmes sans fil n'interfèrent pas avec et ne sont pas affectés par les autres systèmes sans fil.

Selon le site Web Kidde de : "le système sans fil Kidde transmet sur un groupe de la Federal Communications Commission a consacré à l'équipement industriel, scientifique ou médical. Règlement sur la bande limite la puissance et le temps de transmission à moins d'une alarme de sécurité de la vie se produit. Par conséquent, la bande est surtout silencieuse. Kidde dit aussi que les alarmes sans fil ont des codes uniques et 256 différents paramètres, donc ils ne seront pas interférer ou a déclenché le système sans fil de votre voisin.Il est recommandé d'installer plusieurs alarmes sans fil à environ 40 $ chacun.

Vous ne peut pas mettre un prix sur la sécurité de votre famille, donc le coût additionnel est vaut, » a ajouté Willoughby.Responsables de l'incendie, a déclaré batteries de détecteur de fumée devraient être changés tous les six mois. Les fabricants recommandent remplaçant les alarmes tous les dix ans.

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The journal of Curtis: Curtis high school Honor Roll - my.hsj.org

Posted : Saturday, 2 April 2011

However, the Office of the custodian in room 121 is home to many important systems used at Curtis high school. One of these important systems is the old fire alarm. The mechanism is in a display case in the Office of the custodian. It seems to be a great age. It is tested twice each day. The reason why the former fire alarm system is still used is because it has not been upgraded. However, it still really works, and it works better than most of the new systems in other secondary schools. These fire alarms are used in each large part of the school, including the pool, auditorium, trailers and offices. Office of the guardian also has smoke detectors, a sign of a/C to the auditorium and a dehumidifier for the swimming pool. Most security for the school systems are located in the cupboard in the room. These systems include motion detectors alarm systems.

Motion detectors are used to prevent the intruder in school. For example, when a guard in the building that they put in a code which will allow them. Otherwise, intruder alarms will go off the coast and signals will be sent to a Manhattan security centre. Bell systems are also important. If bell systems are disabled, no bells will be heard in the building. Office of the guardian also has bells of quarter. The quarter bells were exceeded due to the use of portable transceivers and phones. Last but not least, Office of the custodian has two clock masters of the school. The first clock is the original clock. When the new wings were added to the school, they decided to get another clock because it was easier that the former is reset. The most recent clock is a second.  They are new or old, all systems are important for the daily maintenance of Curtis high school.

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Taiwan to launch an underwater earthquake in October sensor system: CWB - Focus Taiwan Channel News

Posted : Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Taipei, March 19 (CNA) in expanded alarm in Taiwan on the devastation that can be caused by earthquakes, the Weather Bureau Central (CWB) said Saturday that the first Taiwan underwater earthquake detection system will go into service in October.

Preparations for the installation of early warning equipment begins Saturday with the laying of a submarine cable 45 km off the coast of Toucheng, in the County of Yilan of Taiwan in the Northeast, and this phase of the project would be carried out in Junethe Office said.The surveillance system would be fully reay in time for seven months, said the CWB.

The installation of two sensors and a tonnage of tsunami quake is part of a project of MACHO (Navy Observatory hosted cable) that the Office has presented in 2007 to provide information in real-time to Taiwan on earthquakes and tsunamis and improve its scientific research capacity Navy.According to Kuo Kai - wen, Director-General of the seismological Office Center, the Centre is now capable of detecting approximately 18 000 earthquakes in Taiwan, every year, 70% strike off the coast of the Atlantic coast of the country.

New sensors would improve the detection rate of mild earthquakes 50 percent, which would help provide better information on seismic activity, he added.Submarine earthquake sensors and gauges of tsunami may give a warning that 10 seconds faster than can and land equipment also more effectively monitor the submarine volcanoes, said Kuo.

According to the Office, plans were also deployed to install another Observatory of submarine earthquake off the coast of the East coast of Taitung Taiwan County.The Japan had eight systems underwater observatory at its eastern coast, but there was none of these regions in the Northeast, which were the areas hardest hit by the earthquake on March 11 and the tsunamithe Office said. (With l. j. Liu and Wang Flor) enditem /pc

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Northrop Grumman to upgrade control machines and alarm systems for the Royal Navy... - defpro

Posted : Monday, 28 March 2011

Under the contract, Sperry Marine Northrop Grumman business unit will provide new generation systems to replace existing ships MCAS. Systems will follow more than 500 points of main sensor on the propulsion motors of ships and training, generators and auxiliary machinery systems. The scope of the work will also include parts and the extended warranty. Installation, testing and commissioning will be incurred after the completion and validation of design with the facilities to be held on eight ships from 2011 to 2015.

"Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine solutions are based on the components of commercial industry standard off the shelf (COTS) for all the keys in the system building blocks," said j. Nolasco DaCunha, vice President of Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine. "It contributes to initial capital cost control and cost effective support through life also ensures standard pieces of the industry, which are easily accessible through industrial suppliers in the world."

A total of 13 Hunt-class mine countermeasures ships were commissioned between 1980 and 1989. Eight ships are still in service and are subject to significant improvements."These vessels play an important role in the activation of the Royal Navy to meet its operational commitments, which includes the protection of precious shipping lanes," said Sir Nigel Essenhigh, President of Northrop Grumman U.K. "we are pleased to be the provider selected for these system upgrades that add to the range of essential products in the". missionsystèmes and services that we offer to the Royal Navy. »
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Majority of the Campus fire alarm triggered by burnt food - Cornell University the Cornell Daily Sun

Posted : Saturday, 26 March 2011

Although there were 114 incidents of fire alarm activated in residences on campus from March 2010 to February 2011, only two were caused by actual fire.Burnt food was responsible for a majority of 114 raised last year, a fire alarm, constituting 57% of the calls, according to statistics, out of Cornell, environment, health and Safety Department.

Ithaca fire Deputy Fire Chief Tom Parsons ' 82 said fire alarms can be activated by a variety of things unrelated to the fires, including technical failures and the dust of maintenance work. According to the report of maintenance caused 13 false alarms and four caused dust."[A fire alarm] does not know the difference between someone heat a pan for baking and generate lots of smoke oil against a real fire on the stove," Parsons said.

EHS statistics list another cause of false alarms as individuals with the intention of "malicious", referring to abuse deliberate fire in the absence of a fire alarm systems. Two alarm leave during the 12 months were classified as "malicious", according to the report.Judicial administrator Mary Beth Grant right ' 88 deals with the legal consequences for the individuals that maliciously alarm fire, fail to cancel a building during an alarm and tamper with fire equipment.  Fire safety equipment was often abused by students while committing jokes, she said.

"We had a number of cases where people either pull an alarm of fire when there was no fire, fire use safety equipment when there is no place to use or not out after a fire alarm rang.""," said Grant.Grant feared that false alarms could potentially distract firefighters with respondents, actual emergency police officers and EMS workers.

The high rate of false alarms in homes can lead students to expect that any alarm fire is a false alarm or a drill, Parsons, said."If the building had an alarm there more than once in the same 24 hour period, done you thinking, Oh,"it is another alarm "," said Parsons."." If people then not cancel in a real emergency, "firefighters to assist individuals from building instead of attending to the fire," he said.

In addition, fire services must respond to all serious fire emergency alarms and false alarms are the additional danger of fire possible traffic accidents at the wheel of the scene, Parsons, said.Students who are caught intentionally false alarms causing can be arrested on criminal charges or referred to the judicial administrator, Cornell University Police Department Deputy Chief David Honan, said in an e-mail statement. In the latter case, students could receive disciplinary probation or suspension, Grant said."There are many things that people do like jokes are stupid and harmless," Grant said in reference to false alarms. "This is not a silly, harmless joke."

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HEMET: Hospital installs the infant security system - press-Enterprise

Posted : Thursday, 24 March 2011

Hemet Valley Medical Center recently installed a new security system for child safety through a donation from the Hemet Valley Hospital auxiliary.The auxiliary presented donation to the hospital after a demonstration of the new system of security."Auxiliary is pleased to join the hospital by providing a safe environment for our smaller patients," said Pat friend, President of the auxiliary.

Special press-EnterpriseFront Centre: Becki Gomez, nursing in obstetrics and April Moreno, business systems analyst, demonstrate the new system of child safety to Hemet Valley auxiliary members. Volunteers from left to right: Dolores Anderson, may Hall, Craig Woll, friend of Pat, Mary Hawkins, Nancy Nelson, Donna Beasley and Linda Macoskey.

The auxiliary has donated $ 80,000 to the purchase of a new State-of-the-art security system. The system actively monitors and alerts instantly staff the hospital with an audible alarm is triggered by movement unauthorized newborn.Radio frequency identification (RFID integrated video surveillance) enables hospital staff to monitor activity in a place of alarm. The system is a key element of the plan of the hospital to prevent the abduction of infants.

The purpose of the Hemet Valley Hospital auxiliary is to render service to patients in Hemet Valley Community and help promote health and well-being of the community. The auxiliary offers annual scholarships to students graduating from high school and entering the field of health and for employees to pursue their studies in health care.Guidelines: you must register with an account of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, etc., to comment on this story. Click the "login" button below to choose your connection choice account.

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Disk of Rupture SANITRX HPX ™ - Expert in environment (press release)

Posted : Tuesday, 22 March 2011

SANITRX HPX ™ rupture disc is rupture marked acting opposite disk specifically designed for the pharmaceutical industry, food and beverages and the biotech. This differential pressure relief device includes a zone instant relief full-open for the protection of the equipment, ships, systems and people of a condition of overpressure. This high-precision reverse acting offer of rupture disc proven performance more 250,000 cycles at a ratio of 95%.

Nominal size range: 1 ' - 3 ' (25 mm to 80 mm)

Burst pressure range: 10 psig-250 PSI (0.69 barg - barg 17.2)

Recommended operating Ratio: 90 or 95 per cent of the rated (pre-stamped) burst pressure rupture disc

Seating Configuration: Standard sanitary ferrule

Service: Gas

Compatible alarm B.D.I.?: Yes

ASME code symbol stamp available?: Yes

(B.D.I.) Indicator of disk burst

Disk indicator Burst the company Continental Disc (B.D.I.) Alarm system is designed specifically for use with h.c. Rupture discs. After the disk failure, the band of the indicator disk is burst is broken, disrupting the flow of current electricity through the band. An alarm monitor attached can then transmit a warning or activate the appropriate equipment.

• Extreme durability - proven performance more than a quarter of a million cycles!

• High precision - choice of 90% or 95% maximum recommended operating ratio

• High versatility - burst pressure range, materials and sizes

• Precision marking on the side of the chimney of the dome provides the optimal cleanability and improves the performance of rupture disc in severe service applications

• All frangible disks include packagings ecological, sanitary, non-toxic

Available to fit between the industry standard sanitary ferrule, NA-connect ® * flanges and fittings ® SANITRX

• Direction three-dimensional flow attached permanently tag allows for precise installation providing an appropriate piping system performance.

• Available in 316 SS and Hastelloy ® * c.  Other materials available on request.

• Manufactured to provide a security report less than or equal to 1 to 1.  If the rupture disc is damaged, it will relieve equal to or less than the nominal burst pressure.

• Vacuum conditions: rupture disc can operate at full vacuum even in available burst pressure the lowest.

• Ideal for gas/vapour, liquid, and partial gas-liquid service applications. 3• available with the B.D.I.® (burst disk indicator) alarm system to signal distance when the rupture disc broke.  Consult the frangible discs with the literature of B.D.I. alarm for more details.

• SANITRX HPX frangible discs are available with the full support and expertise of our Tech team and the Group of projects for special applications and new models.

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Burglar Blaster blankets would be thieves with pepper spray - UberGizmo

Posted : Sunday, 20 March 2011

If you need a system of security in your home to repel potential thieves, there is a set of available alarm systems scanning to do the job. But if you are interested in demanding to take revenge on the criminals before the arrival of the police, you have somewhat limited options. One of these solutions is a burglar Blaster. In the case where you you're wondering, the blaster is called Blaster burglar because, well, he blasts burglars.

Not with a gun but - you want a trial on your hands. Once fired, the burglar Blaster emits a wail noise to wake everyone up at home and to frighten the burglar. But it does not stop there: the Blaster burglar starts shooting pepper spray. The 4 oz cartridge that packaged it is sufficient to cover the 2 000 feet square with the chemical control riot and should be sufficient to cause a thief to abandon everything and start crying, unless obviously that he was prepared and was wearing a mask gas fly instead. It may seem effective in theory, your covered throughout the House spray once is not going to be a nice view and cleaning is not any more exciting, but if you are interested in having an alarm system, it will set you back $600 and is available here.

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Blaster burglar alarm makes the pepper spray in the eye of burglar - Coolest Gadgets

Posted : Saturday, 19 March 2011

Some of us have homes that require a system security with accuracy of video cameras, alarms tripped laser and other such precautions at high price.Some of us wish to protect our valuables on a lower budget, this is why the simplest systems have been invented. For example, there are alarms that do do anything a strong but assume that someone else will call the police. If you really are worried of burglars and you do not want to spend a lot, you could buy a digital keyboard with some flashing LED. That's enough to make a burglar hesitate.

Burglar Blaster is one of these at an average price alarm systems and seems effective enough to stop the flight. When a potential thief trips the alarm, he or she will get a spray of pepper spray in the face. In fact, the container of 4 ounces in this gray area is apparently good for 2,000 square feet of spraying.My Source was rapid report a problem with this alarm system. The idea of having to clean the 2,000 square feet of gas spray nor appeal for me. What you better protect had better to be in an empty room where the smell regardless. In addition, a burglar could be blinded by pepper spray, but I imagine that he or she could do much damage staggered.

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